20 April 2008 · Comment
Bloglet 5
Passover Travesty! I spent a hellacious amount of time on hold with and then talking to incompetent Virgin Atlantic employees making sure that their kosher meals are kosher for Passover during Passover, and after they assured me that they were, THEY TOTALLY WERE NOT AND THEY WERE FILLED WITH MEAT. It was basically a tray full of meat and pasta and my stomach was already digesting itself, so I picked out what vegetables I could and scraped the icing off of the brownie and it was the saddest 8-hour flight in the history of 8-hour flights.
Also! Madonna was on my flight! She looked like a biotch. And the luggage carousel was filled with matching Louis Vuitton luggage that was loaded onto her three luggage carts by her personal assistants and airport security. Also she was wearing those huge attention-grabbing sunglasses that are all like, no! do not look upon me! I cannot bear the constant adorations of the public! Sigh, I wish I’d brought my marriage sack so I could have tackled her and made her my wife. O well, hindsight is always 20/20.
And more things! I went to London to visit Duncan for a whole glorious week and it was so great. I worked from the London Google office and it was awesome because 98% of the people were gone all week on the Google Europe ski trip in Austria so it was like a ghost town but with giant yoga balls rolling all around instead of tumble weeds.
On a related note, last night Duncan and I went out with some of his friends and we learned that there’s a town in Canada named Dawson or something which hasn’t changed since the Gold Rush days so there are still tiny buildings with huge facades and saloons and stuff and now I must go there. Also his friends ran into this tiny Italian girl they know and one girl said she wanted to have the tiny girl make them chocolate and then she started singing the Oompa Loompa song and I almost died laughing. Maybe you had to be there. A couple of months ago we went to a birthday party for one of the girls and her mom made lasagna and then the birthday girl drunkenly tried to take it out of the oven and dropped it and broke the casserole dish and it got all over the kitchen and then someone said to pretend she’d thrown up and she started fake gagging. Maybe that’s another one of those had-to-be-there moments, but it still makes me laugh embarrassingly loudly whenever I think about it.
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