13 October 2007 · Comment [2]
I finally went to the beach that's two blocks from our apartment!
It was rad. I didn’t take any pictures because I was allegedly “running” (i.e., running for 10 meters and then being like, “Ooo, pretty shell!” and sitting down in the sand for half an hour over and over), but I’ll probably take some soon now that I know how pretty it is. And it’s totally beach weather in the middle of October! Awesomesauce. My new plan is to work in New York for a few years and then see about getting transferred back here because Google has development offices all around Europe now and I’m sure they need people who speak English fluently to work in their Barcelona office, right? Even if they don’t speak Catalan and only know enough Spanish to order food? Err, maybe I’ll just move to Spanish Harlem so’s I can keep working on my Spanish. Or take some night classes or something and live in a neighborhood where I’m not virtually guaranteed to get mugged e’ery other week. Also, it’s a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake!
Jono showed us that a little over a year ago when I was interning at Pixar and I just kept playing it over and over again for a week. It’s almost as if it has some unnatural power over you. Tim said the funniest thing about it to Jono on instant messenger a couple days later:
Tim: It’s a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake
Tim: In other news, I hate you
Ha ha, awesome. Also, weird Spain thing: sometimes the remake English songs in Spanish? “Save Tonight” just came on in Spanish and David and I heard “Take on Me” last weekend. Weird weird weird. Oh shoot! I forgot to go to the magic fountain again! Guess I’ll have to wait until I get back from London, which I am leaving for in three and a half days, awesome! Cannn’t waaaait. And I am going to visit Kali in Ireland for a few days. We’re going to Aran, which is like knitting Mecca! And then Rachana is going to come visit me so we can go to the magic fountain together. And I just realized that pretty much nobody knows what the magic fountian is. Here, have a picture of sort of what it is:
That big building is the National Art Museum of Catalunya, and there’s a huge fountain in front of it that they light up in time to music and apparently it’s life-changing. I’ll let you know in a few weeks.
This is some fruit in the market off of Las Ramblas! I don’t know what kind of fruit, maybe tiny peach-like things? Sadly, they don’t seem to have any freaky little rambutans here, but hopefully in New York.
It’s David! Ah love eet. Looking sassy at the same restaurant where Dad looked happy the other day. I went back there and got a delicious sandwich two days ago and it was so amazing. And you know what was in the sandwich? A potato omelette! What a magical, magical land. Okay, I think 10:30 is about time to get me some dinner. Later!
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« Look at this awesome thing my brother did!» Hur de dur dur, did lots of tourist things today
That’s all the mention that I (and the moment that we lovers reunite) get(s)! Oh well, I’m still excited.
— Kali Cottingame · Oct 14, 05:40 AM · #
potato omelette sandwich?
stop lying.
lying liar.
(bring me this fictitious delight)
— Suzanne · Oct 14, 08:37 AM · #