16 January 2008 · Comment [2]
I'm going to visit Duncan tomorrow! Yaaay!
Yaaay! I am so excited! We’re going to see Avenue Q and make gnocchis and it is going to be awesome. And Jason’s visit last weekend was so perfect. We also saw Avenue Q (what? don’t judge) and tried all these amazing restaurants such as the Shake Shack and Empanada Mama and watched glorious amounts of The Office and Firefly and just hung out a lot and it was just all-around spectacular.
I’ve recently become obsessed with vitamins. Should probably see a doctor about how healthy it is to be taking seven different kinds of pills every day, but I feel better than ever so I don’t think it’s too big of a deal. I got on this kick because I started freaking out about dietary deficiencies from being a vegetarian and just generally not knowing how to eat right, so now I’m taking:
– Calcium
– Flax seed oil because it has omega-3 fatty acids, which are kind of hard to get if you don’t eat fish
– Vitamin B complex, which my doctor said is good for vegetarians because some B vitamins can only be found in meat
– Vitamin E, which Britt recommended and she knows a lot about vitaminey things. She said it’s good for your skin so I figured what the hell.
– Vitamin C because I am a sickly child and it seems to be helping
– Iron, but only every couple days because it can be hard on your body to just eat all those olde timey nails, plus they’re expensive. HA HA! Uhhh, I’m tired.
– Fiber, because not getting enough fiber is another one of my dietary phobias
– A multivitamin because I’m having a hard time finding selenium and zinc, which are supposed to be good for you too.
Yep! That’s the list. It is ridiculous, I know. But I don’t feel exhausted all the time anymore! So that’s awesome. Plus they quell my constant anxieties about not treating my body right. If only I could get the message about getting enough sleep through my thick skull. Dur. Okay, a couple pictures real quick and then to bed.
The Flatiron Building! It’s right next to the Shake Shack, which I am in love with. It’s like… oh my gosh I have forgotten the name of that place down Telegraph with the delicious fries. I’m losing my memory already! Better add some ginkgo biloba to that list. Kidding! Any more pills and my body is going to be more vitamin than person.
Jason and me in my room! Yaay! My hair looks freakishly long and flat in this picture, but in actuality it is a normal amount long and a regular amount fluffy. This was when we were watching sooo much Office and Firefly and then we had empanadas delivered in and it was spectacular.
What’s your favorite dish? I’m not gonna cook it but I’ll order it from ZANZIBAR! It’s like I’m on a Tenacious D tour all around the world.
Jason looking so happy about his chicken and waffles! Awesome.
Awwww, Jason! This is a chicken and waffles restaurant that we went to in Harlem, but it didn’t really count as seeing Harlem because the restaurant was only a block from the metro station.
Some buildings! Near my apartment.
My living room! It’s stripey. The curtains go to my roommate Amanda’s room. She seems pretty great so far but we’ve only seen each other for like half an hour in the past month that I’ve lived here. She works for France and she also acts, which is neat.
The kitchen! Which I have yet to use because Google is a free food wonderland.
Tim and Catie on New Year’s! We didn’t so much have a plan so we tried to go to this fair thing in Alexandria but it turned out to be completely packed so we gave up and got junk food in La Madeleine and then played Apples to Apples in Catie’s basement.
Sarah, Junyi, and Edwin at Pixar! From when I visited California a few weeks ago. Junyi’s shirt is a picture of Oregon and it says “California’s Canada.” Aww, I miss them! Hopefully we can hang out and maybe go to San Francisco when I go out to visit the Mountain View office in a month or so.
Oh, unrelated: I’ve also become obsessed with candles in recent weeks and it’s getting absurd. I think my smell receptors are overloaded with scented candle scents and I become fixated on really idiotic things about them like making sure all the wax burns from the walls of the glass jar and then when some gets stuck on the walls I push it down and make a big mess like the idiot child that I apparently am. And they don’t even smell good to me anymore! I think it’s just something to fixate on at this point. Hopefully I can become de-desensitized this weekend and come back able to smell them next week. The best one is cranberry chutney! Because I went to a candle store and this guy was there with his wife and college-age daughters and he kept saying “Oooh look, they’ve got cranberry chutney! Cranberry chutney! CRANBERRY CHUTNEY!” and then I couldn’t get it out of my head and had to buy one. Curses, just realized what a pawn I am in the capitalist system.
Okay, I should really have called it a night three hours ago, so better late than never or something. Later, everyone!
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« Less melodramatic version of yesterday's post» A bum peed on my front door yesterday! I want to go home.
mmm candle obsession. you know what you need? a candle topper/capper.
these things are awesome and make candles in glass jars burn nicely all the way down and don’t leave wax stuck on the sides!
although they are strangely hard to find in stores… i recently bought one in Country Clutter. i swear i only went in there to look for one of these candle topper things!
— Sarah · Jan 17, 09:37 AM · #
you know they make candles out of soy? they burn for a lot longer and the wax never gets hot soooo you can dip your finger in the candle and use it as hand lotion! i found mine in a shop in charlottesville, but because new york has everything i’m sure you could find some there.
— Rachana · Jan 17, 12:58 PM · #