28 December 2007 · Comment [1]
I'm on the bus, writing in the blawg!
Heeey everybody. So umm, everything is crazy. Can’t I just be a traveling bum forever? Is that too much to ask? Of course not, stop being silly. Though I would like to take this moment to commemorate the fact that I contributed the beginning of something worthwhile to the company for the first time today! Winnar! A little bit!
Duncan flies home in an hour, which is pretty sad but when your boyfriend is an awesome British, Jewish veterinarian, you can’t spend too much time moping about being apart or you’ll be mopey all the time and it’ll just be a big mess. It helps to have the next trip booked, so we’re going to see each other in three weeks and that’s not too shabby! It also helps that my manager said I can just work from the London office whenever I go visit, so I don’t have to worry about running out of vacation and having to take really short trips anymore! Yaay!
Edit: now I’m home with internet access, so here’s a picture of Duncan that makes him look like his DNA got spliced with that of a streetside caricature of George Bush:
So hawt!
I’m on the bus home now, writing this on my sweeeeet new Mac that work set me up with. The bus TV’s just showed Spiderman 3 and it was pretty funny. I especially like it when he does his jerk dance in the middle of the sidewalk just to show what a jerk he is now. The bus is pretty empty and it’s infinitely better than last week when Duncan and I took the Chinatown bus down and the only seats left were broken and had negative legroom and the seats in front of us had a glorious amount of legroom but the girl in them wanted both seats to herself so when this lady came up and asked to have the other seat they got in a big fight and it was both hilarious in that they were being so petty and acting like children and also terrifying because if they started catfighting, Duncan and I were pretty much guaranteed to end up with broken pelvises from how squished in we were. If I were to submit their fight to overheardinnewyork.com, it would go something like this:
Crazy Woman #1: If you’re so special, why don’t you drive a Mercedes?
Crazy Woman #2: As a matter of fact I DO drive a Mercedes
Entire bus: (bursts out laughing)
Crazy Woman #2: I DO drive a Mercedes! (get out her keys to show off cheap-looking Mercedes keychain and jingles them all around)
Crazy Woman #1: Then why are you taking the Chinatown bus? Where’s your Mercedes?
Crazy Woman #2: Did you SEE my KEYS??
Hey, we’re at the Delaware House! Perfect timing because I gotta pee like the dickens. Entirely unnecessary stream of words shall resume shortly.
Ahhh, what a magnificent pee. Okay, so here’s the thing about joining the work force: how are you supposed to eat right, exercise, have good posture, work like the gazillion hours a day that everyone else does, sleep eight hours a night to try and at least slow down your body’s abnormally premature aging that’s giving you liver spots and wrinkly hands before the liver damage from college has even faded all the way, drink your own body weight in water every day, subsequently have to pee every five seconds which is especially problematic during the hours of meetings that you have every day, take time to relax so as to avoid a mental breakdown, AND expand your mind through thinkey sorts of things such as reading and learning new languages and drawing and seeking out new experiences and stuff? Answer: it is impossible. And trying to do everything you’re supposed to do to be healthy is just going to bring on the brain aneurysm that much more quickly. Conundrum!
So I’m currently trying to figure that one out. It helps that Google puts on free yoga classes every Tuesday and Wednesday. I went to one last week and it was amaaaazing! I’ve wanted to try yoga for the past like, forever, so that’s awesome. And it’s like ten feet away from my desk. And my apartment is a mile and a half away from the office, so I can just walk to work and get three miles of exercise a day and that’s settled. Now there are just the like twenty other things to worry about.
Second edit: another picture to break up all the words! Neat!
Duncan and I played with my fancypants new computer’s camera last night. Yurp.
Duncan and I started staying in the new apartment on Tuesday and it was kind of a horrible nightmare at first. Like, the previous tenant left the room unspeakably filthy and the bathroom was filled with the kind of scuttiness that you don’t mind at all if it’s your own scuttiness and you watched it build up from the first baby scutlings, but is stomach-churning to come upon as an outsider. So Duncan, being the amazing person that he is, went shopping with me for nice things like an uncorroded toilet seat and helped me clean my room and the shared bathroom and now I feel much less like fleeing the apartment and possibly the city to live in my parents’ basement and commute for eight hours a day, at which point I guess it makes more sense to just live in the bus station but that’s probably no cleaner so we’d be back to square one. So in conclusion, thanks, Duncan! You’re so awesome! Also, there’s a big honking candle that the old tenant left in the room that I’m pretty much in love with and I light it even if we’re only going to be there for five minutes and it smells nice, so yay!
Yeah, so basically things have been steadily improving lately, what with the yoga and the candle and all. We saw Juno on exmas and it was spectacular. Today I bought the soundtrack off of iTunes and it puts me in my happy place. Let me know if you want a CD of it and it shall be done.
Oh my gosh. The bus’s CNN has just informed me that a tiger was just found murdered in Texas, in what is perhaps the first hate crime to ever be committed on a non-human life form. Way to live the stereotype, Texas.
Okay, I can’t believe I just wrote all those words. It makes me bored just looking at them. Usually I need to see a picture every other sentence to keep my attention, so maybe I’ll go back and put in some random ones once I get home and hooked back up to the glorious, life-bringing internet, If you made it through this many words, I am quite frankly astonished and I guess appreciative of your attention or something dumb like that. Oh and also! Jason’s coming to visit in January and Noaa’s coming to visit in March! Awesomepants! And on that note I shall return to staring slack-jawed out the window while my brain tries to recover from the past three weeks of being utterly confounded at work. Later!
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« "Most people when they come to New York, they go straight to the Empire State Building. That's pretty touristy. I come here." - Michael Scott from Times Square» I'm supposed to meet some coworkers for dinner in seven minutes but Dreyfuss just got online!
good posture is the hard part!
— Chung · Dec 29, 11:29 AM · #