10 July 2007 · Comment [3]
This is the first awesome meal Jono and I ate in Auckland. The front pie is chili bean and cheese and the back pie is delicious rhubarb and apple and the crust tasted like a sugar cookie. Also pictured: my awesome spork.
Then we went to the top of the Sky Tower. I was pretty. Then the fog rolled in and then we saw a rainbow below us and then we saw a flying unicorn with a dancing leprechaun on its back.
This is from the Wai-O-Tapu geothermal park. It smelled like stinky eggs but the hot sulphur springs were really pretty.
Then we went to Mount Freaking Doom. It was awesome but my most of me still hurts.
This is what it looked like. Except harder because I could only muster up the energy to take out my camera on the easy parts. That’s Mount Doom in the background. It’s actually called Mt. Ngauruhoe (“Narahoee”) but who calls it that these days.
I made Jono pose triumphantly when we finished the first excruciating part.
Mount Doooooom! Also, I look like a freaking hippie these days.
Some girl in a hostel’s Engrish pants. Sorry for the bra, I just didn’t want to make the fact that I was photographing a stranger’s pants even creepier by touching her undies.
The walk-through aquarium in Napier. Shark included for Aimee’s benefit.
Giant flappy thing coming RIGHT TOWARDS YOU. This one and the next one are for you, Suzanne!
Blue tongued skink. We almost had one of these for the apartment!
Giant squid…‘s remains. Not to be a negative nancy or anything, but I always pictured them bigger. Like, as long as a football field. Oh cruel fist of reality!
And those are the pictures! There are a lot more (terrible) ones on facebook, but these are the ones I liked best. I’ll post more here and to Flickr when I have time.
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« I'm in ur Auckland, cuddlin ur kiwis.» Allo
Oh man, this is too sweet. I should have some time this week to make this site good enough for all your awesome stuff.
— David · Jul 11, 08:54 AM · #
omg you’re like hard-core on a mountain like whoa!
— Jovanna · Jul 11, 10:14 AM · #
Thanks, David! I love it already though, so don’t worry. You’re the best!
And Jovanna, srsly. I am in no shape to climb mountains hard-core-style. You probably would have been bounding up it like a mountain goat. Also, barcelooonaaaa!
— Sarah Beth · Jul 17, 05:05 PM · #