31 October 2007 · Comment [1]
Well curses, by now I am so behind that I will never catch up
Um, nur. I have approximately 13 trillion pictures to post and they’re not even halfway uploaded, so basically I will be home from this trip before I even catch up on the pictures to date. And by then there will be thousands more pictures and I’ll have to caption pictures for the rest of my days. Nur nur nur. Oh, factoid! Remember when I said that Bridget Jones says “durr” a lot and it made me feel somehow closer to her? Well Duncan explained what should have been obvious, which is that to an English person, “durr” is pronounced like “duh” and it’s something you say when someone’s being stupid! So that’s neat, except I say dumb things like nur and dur and hur when I feel like a useless lump of human meat, so it’s different and now I don’t feel as close to Bridget Jones, boo. Though this is probably for the best since her man-trapping fever was kind of working its way into my brain and it was bad news bears. And then I admitted this to Duncan and he said it was okay because I already have a man! It was so cute and he didn’t even care that I’m such a crazy old hag already! So awesome.
Nur de dur dur, so bored with waiting for pictures to upload. Here, have a British pop song!
Duncan and I both had it stuck in our heads after hearing it every ten minutes on the four-hour car ride back from Leeds, where I met his WHOLE FAMILY and they were really nice but I got myself so stressed out over it that it made my period a couple days late and gave me a delightful little immaculate conception scare. Too much information? No such thing!! Oh period talk, I will never grow tired of you.
So Rachana is coming in two days. That is neat! Then I am going back to London in a week, which makes me very happy. Also, Ross is thinking about coming to Barcelona randomly? We haven’t really talked since we were thirteen and he has since become a longhaired, tree-hugging hippie vagrant who goes to India for the summer on a whim, so it should certainly be interesting to see him again. Also his hair might not be long anymore? I don’t know, I only see him like once a year. Okay, according to facebook his hair is not hippie-long, only hipster-long. Hahahaha! I kill me. Here, this is basically what he looks like:
Though I’m more fond of this one myself:
Enjoy these pictures while you can, folks! Because next time we talk I’m going to ask if it’s okay with him that I post pictures of him all over the internet and he’s probably going to say no and then they’ll be gone and you’ll be sad if you don’t enjoy them now. Not that it’s hard, what with that spectacularly smarmy eyebrow action going on. As far as a little stalker biography thing, Ross and I met in eighth grade when he joined our group of kids who had been going to school together since third grade and then he went to high school with all the kids I still hang out with in Virginia. Now he’s doing the same teaching French thing as Rachana except I think he’s in Switzerland? Neat. Also, the first picture includes Leigh, who is awesome. We met in third grade and now she is going to grad school in Colorado for “Atmospheric Sciences,” which sounds complicated.
Okay, it’s taken two and a half hours to upload 120 pictures and there are 200 left to go, so as much as it pains me, I’m going to have to talk about them not in reverse-chronological order. Because I mean, who wants to hear about things that happened weeks ago? No one, that’s who! The trick is you have to ease them into the boring past by starting out with things that just happened, and then they don’t even notice! Like a lobster getting boiled alive! Sorry, morbid. But yes, pictures! I’ll start with the rest of the ones from when my family came to visit.
This is us under a fancypants bridge in the Gothic Quarter. I’m pretty sure the bridge has a fancypants-sounding name, but I certainly squeezed it out of my brain with the latest information about Britney Spears. Did you hear that youtube clip about her? Priceless. Would post it here but it uses lots of profanity and this is a family site, folks.
This is a neat little roof on some plant-related building in the Parc de la Ciutadella.
These are some airplanes that gave us a perfectly-viewed airshow even though we didn’t even know there was an airshow going on! It was especially neat because my dad used to be in the Civil Air Patrol. Wish I’d known about that when I was little, frickin free pilot license. Okay! Now I gotta call my family so I’ll be back with more pictures soon! Happy Halloween and stuff!
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« Hur de dur dur, did lots of tourist things today» Picture explosion! Part one.
Oh Sarah Beth you’re so beautiful! I like that picture of you and your family.
— Stacey Rosales · Oct 31, 10:56 PM · #