15 May 2009 · Comment [1]
A comic!
True story, folks. Still hurts after all these years.
Big version’s here if you want to see it.
Also, sorry for the profanity. I try to keep it clean, but I wanted to stay true to how it really happened. Except we were eating dinner instead of doing homework, it’s just that every time I draw food it comes out looking like a pile of garbage. And both Tatianna and unrelated David were there, but you can only really fit three people in a panel when your characters’ faces are three times wider than they are tall.
This is the back of the page because it’s for some guy at work’s self-published magazine and you’re not allowed to submit single-sided pages but you can’t print a full page on the back of a comic or else it shows through. Just thought you’d like to know!
UPDATE lol: I handed the pages in to the magazine guy right after posting this (which I stayed up until 5:30 this morning finishing btw so I’m all tweaked out today), and he flipped through them and checked that I had printed on both sides, so before he read the comic, he saw the picture of that girl on the back and said:
The Guy: Who’s that?
Me: Uh, she was on “Freaks and Geeks” and “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.”
The Guy: Well, whoever she is, you look just like her.
Hahahahaha! *seppuku*
Also, I don’t mean to bash on the girl, Sarah Hagan, who is actually really pretty:
She just always plays the awkward and super homely character, so it was such a harsh burn. But it’s cool, I’m over it, I’ve accepted that this is what everyone thinks I look and act like:
SECOND UPDATE: OMG MAX BAUMGARTEN LIVES IN NEW YORK!!!!!! Also his “About Me” section on Facebook just says “well-rounded and thorough.” Jess says I need to post the comic on Facebook and tag him. Awesome.
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:) :) :) oh joo
— suzanne · May 19, 01:08 AM · #