27 October 2011 · Comment
Everyone you know someday will die
You can print them out and make your own comics if you want! Or you could use paint to fill them in or something. I passed around a bunch of paper copies of these for a project in my design communication class and people filled them in and they are AMAZING. Next I’m gonna paint the second one and put all of the ones that people filled out together into a book yesssss.
Here’s a hilarious one from my classmate:
In case you can’t read the tiny writing, it says:
Girl: Jack! Get out of that sofa
Girl: Come to help me clean the room
Boy: Yes! But…
Girl: Honey! Did you hear me?
Boy: I will, but not now… Ok, well
Girl: Don’t push me! Stand up!
Boy: I stand up now!
Girl: That’s better
Girl: Believe or not. I will kill you!
Boy: But I am back to sofa again
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