14 February 2008 · Comment [1]
Happy Valentine's Day! The most sacred of all holidays. (I fixed it to not be mostly deleted anymore.)
Hey kids! I’m going to Rachel King’s school’s Valentine’s Day party in a few minutes, but I just wanted to write a quick little entry before I head out because I was going to write one tomorrow from the Internet Bus on the way home but then my parents convinced me to take the Non-Internet Bus because it stops closer to home. Travesty!
I keep making baby steps towards having an actual life here. Mostly what I do for fun is I get things out of the library and sit in my room reading or watching them. It’s not the most glamorous
Um, I deleted most of this entry in a fit of stupidity. I’ll fill it back in soon.
Okay, here’s roughly what it used to say before my idiocy seizure:
…It’s not the most glamorous of social lives, but they do have a spectacular collection of comics and DVD’s. Last week I discovered this cartoon series called “Mission Hill” and watched the whole thing in a couple days. And further proof that I’m a moron: the whole time I thought Mission Hill was based on the Mission District in San Francisco, so I was getting all mopey and nostalgic for San Francisco, but then I watched the special features and it turns out the city was based on New York, so I was getting nostalgic for the very place where I’m living right now! Durrr.
Okay, here are some pictures from the second-to-last time I visited Duncan. Pictures from the last time I visited Duncan coming before the next decade hopefully.
The tunnel to the tube station in Heathrow. Which I went through four times in three weeks. Also, before the deletion debacle, I had some dumb comment up about those HSBC ads on the wall, which I still think are really neat but now I’m pretty sure everyone’s seen them and it wasn’t just a skewed perception of reality that came from visiting Heathrow Airport four times in three weeks. Wish I could say quatrice in three weeks but I don’t think that’s a word.
Duncan and I made gnocchis! The dough was kind of gross to squish, but the gnocchis were amaaaazing! Mmmmmgahhhhh.
Gnocchis! They truly are nature’s candy.
This is Duncan being all like, “Wot? Have I got somefink on me face?” (British accent added for the benefit of those who don’t get to talk to a real live Englishman every day.)
Duncan making pancakes! He was doing a funny pose on purpose, he doesn’t really stand like that usually.
Also, someone left a comment about the gadget!! In case you’re too lazy to click on links like I am, he says “That’s a nice Gadget. You see exactly how many people took part in the forms and how many are new.” and he gave it five stars! Winnars! Yaay!
And finally, some babies that I want to steal:
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« A bum peed on my front door yesterday! I want to go home.» Something different
yeah I totally love those ads! they’re amazing and you walk by them without noticing and then stop like five steps later being like, “WHOA.” glad someone else is similarly dork-ily excited by them
— Jovanna · Feb 15, 09:48 AM · #