1 August 2007 · Comment [3]
I'm in the third world yaay!
Cambodia’s pretty magical. Okay, yesterday was perhaps the worst day of the trip on account of we hired a guide to take us around Angkor Wat and he talked at like 5 words per minute and repeated every sentence like four times. Like, did you know that Angkor Wat is dedicatead to Krishna and rainbows were thought to be the bridge between the human world and the gods’ world? No? Well I do, because I heard those facts OVER AND OVER yesterday in 100 degree weather with like 1000% humidity! How neat! But we’re going back to the temple at sunset today so hopefully it’ll be way prettier and not at all excruciatingly hot. Also all the guide did was show us the bas-reliefs on the four galleries around the temple and tell us the information on their explanatory placards except a million times slower and in the sun and I am still clearly having trouble letting it go.
But today is much better. Being in a third-world country is pretty nerve-wracking but there are way more white people around than I’d expected so I feel safer because if they can all survive here than I probably can, too. Jono and I are both pretty freaked out about food and water cleanliness and getting malaria, but we’re staying in Siem Reap the whole time instead of going into the more jungley places so I think we’re pretty okay. Oh also, this doesn’t have anything to do with anything, but I’ve been sending out a bunch of postcards and only Noaa has told me about receiving one, so let me know if you got yours.
Today we had a delicious lunch at the Dead Fish Cafe and fed their crocodiles and then one crocodile tried to eat a smaller crocodile. Adorable! Now we’re wandering around the old-town market and taking a break from the heat in an internet cafe. All we want to do for the middle seven hours of the day is loaf, so it’s good that we have so much time here. Also, everything IS as magically inexpensive as I’d hoped! Yay cheap things! Okay, let’s see what we can do about some pictures. They’re probably going to be terrible since I can’t see anything on this monitor, just warning you.
Um, okay just kidding. Apparently the internet in the third world can’t handle image uploading. Maybe later. Now I’mna catch a tuk tuk to see the sunset at Angkor Wat. Yaaay!
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« Finally did something awesome in Australia!» I'm in Thailand, being sweaty and gross, yaay!
Hi Sarah Beth! Mary & I received your postcard — it was great to hear from you. Hope you’re having a Khmer-ry good time in Cambodia. LOL history joke! I’m so lame.
— David · Aug 2, 07:24 AM · #
Hi Sarah Beth, We got your postcard yesterday! We really liked the sea turtle picture and also enjoyed hearing from you. We hope you are having a fantastic adventure. Bye, Aunt Arlene, Uncle Lou and Cousins Michael & Andrew
— Arlene Deutsch · Aug 3, 05:19 AM · #
Hi Sarah Beth! Your postcard arrived mid-week while we were on our trip to the Amish land in nearby PA. Nothing to compare with your adventure. Wish we were there. Love G’ma & G’pa.
— Grandma and Grandpa. · Aug 3, 05:34 PM · #