29 December 2012 · Comment [2]
Some things that happened in the last 9 months
Hey dudes, thought I’d fit in a second blog post for the year. I know, I shouldn’t show off how well I have my life together but I just can’t help myself.
- While looking through some old papers at home, I found out that I went to summer camp with Mark Zuckerberg! So basically if things had gone differently I could have been the fake girlfriend who broke up with him in “The Social Network!” Sigh, if only.
I know, I know, why am I hiding his personal information when he’s never had a problem with selling ours and it’s probably a decade out of date anyway, but if we don’t set a positive example for him, he’ll never learn!
- I accepted a job as an effects artist! So I’ll be moving out to San Francisco for real in June. And acting like this for the next six months:
Ah yes, it is so nice to have a jobThe job is in the East Bay, so I might actually move back into my old apartment from undergrad. I know, weird and creepy like Matthew McConaughey’s character in “Dazed and Confused”, but it was a really nice place and in a great neighborhood and affordable. And that’s not that easy to find! So conundrum! Well, either that or I’ll try to find somewhere on my new favorite street, we’ll see:
It’s pretty freaky to have a start date set already, seeing as I now have a whole thesis to write and defend and get approved in the next couple months. But I think I can do it! It would probably help if I could stop wasting all my time on the internet writing dumb blog posts, but what can you do. I have this dream that I can finish all the writing super early and take an extra long spring break traveling to Europe and Japan, so maybe this blog won’t wallow in disrepair for a few weeks! Wouldn’t that be neat.
- I took a life drawing class this semester and can finally draw things that aren’t embarrassingly bad! Here’s a drawing of my awesome teacher, Felice:
And here’s a drawing of a dude’s butt:
- The movie I spent the last two summers working on at DreamWorks came out! It’s called “Rise of the Guardians” and it is so good! You should really go see it if you haven’t yet you know you know you know you know. They even let me come to the wrap party in November, which was magical:
This is me with Kyle and Devon, two of the best people - I gave a little talk at SIGGRAPH in August! I was really scared I was going to have a slip of the tongue and it would make a disgusting word or I would suddenly realize I wasn’t wearing pants and bring dishonor upon my school, but it went fine! Glen even took this picture of me looking like I wasn’t terrified of public humiliation even a little bit:
- And finally, Michael and the hamster had an Avatar moment:
Thus confirming my suspicion that he is, in fact, a Disney princess.
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« Makin' a thesis, makin' a thesis, makin' a thesis hey hey hey hey» Hey!
!! Welcome back (soon)!
— Chung · Jan 2, 04:44 PM · #
Thanks a lot!! Maybe I can finally take you out for birthday drinks from last year.
— Sarah Beth · Jan 14, 03:22 AM · #