14 March 2013 · Comment
Welp welp welp, I did it. I finished my thesis and defended it and turned it in to the thesis office to get corrections on my like, margin widths (which apparently takes them six weeks to review even though no one even cares! Not that I’m bitter or anything.) and went to Japan and now I am in Japan.
I just got in a few hours ago so my body has no clue what time it is. It’s allegedly 1:30am here so I should really be sleeping but I figured that if I didn’t start back up with the blog soon I’d just be a big crouton about it for the whole trip and I don’t want that one bit. Sorry if I’m rambling, I think I’m a little loopy. I keep feeling like I’m on a boat but then I remember my brain is just broken from tiredness.
I’m posting this from my phone because we are living in the future so hopefully I don’t have any mortifying autocorrect or html issues. I think I’m even going to be able to post a picture! Let’s see.
The pungency! My god, the pungency!
I got this from a subway vending machine and it was delicious and pretty pungent! I couldn’t see what it was when I bought it so I was fully expecting it to be something disgusting like kombucha but it was just delicious tea! Ok my everything hurts I’m gonna sleep now. Goodnight, fellow croutons.
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