29 March 2008 · Comment [4]
Something different
Who would have guessed, but it turns out that being a recent college graduate just joining the workforce is freaking exhausting! So as a consequence I just don’t have it in me to take pictures and write things as often as I did when I was naught but a happy bum and instead I’m going to try making little bloglet posts every day or so. I’ll keep ten or so in this entry and then make a new entry for the next ten if it goes okay.
Bloglet 1. The worst part about not having any friends: just called Ikea about how to put my bed together and they said to have a friend hold one end and wiggle it apart BUT I DON’T HAVE ANY FRIENDS SO THIS IS USELESS TO ME. And also the metal cut my finger and now my new bed is already covered in blood. And also my roommate is out of town so I’m not just being melodramatic. Seriously considering bringing this big metal thing down to the street and offering someone five dollars to help me pull it apart. But then they’d probably cut themselves too and sue me and it would just be a big mess. DESPAIR.
Bloglet 2. Sunday at 1am: am completely mystified as to where this weekend went. Have about 2 hours of memories of the last two and a half days. This is probably the second worst part about not having any friends. Though I did successfully manage to pull the bed piece apart all by my lonesome, pathetic self! I used a hammer as a lever. Tools! They’re what set us apart from the monkeys. Also, thanks for the commiseration, Alex! Also, BEHOLD THE AWESOME!
That’s from Julia Wertz of The Fart Party! Duncan and I went to a comic reading of hers last Sunday and look at the awesome thing she wrote in my book!! In case you can’t read the bad scan, it says “Hihihi! I’m so happy you’ve come to all mah dumb shows! I still consider you the first real Fart Party fan! I heart U! Heart, Julia Wertz”!!! She said the first real fan thing because I went to the 2006 Alternative Press Expo in San Francisco just because she was there and it was amazing.
Bloglet 3.
It’s David Simon! He’s here for the weekend and we just got back from visiting my parents! We got delicious Julia’s Empanadas and saw a spectacular frog exhibit at the National Geographic Museum. And unrelated: Suzanne has a tiny green tree frog that she named Barbecue! Because she wants it to know its fate. Awesome.
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« Happy Valentine's Day! The most sacred of all holidays. (I fixed it to not be mostly deleted anymore.)» Bloglet 5
I can completely relate; putting furniture together alone sucks. I find that gardening gloves and jeans offer good protection against jagged Swedish furniture. As for the pulling apart bit, hopefully you’ve got that covered. If not, hit the bastard with a mallet … that’ll learn it.
— Alex · Mar 30, 02:11 PM · #
Bloglets every day or so… lies! :) When will you come to Boston? I want to see you, yes I do!
— Catie · Apr 4, 04:12 AM · #
TO THIS LIST I would like to add the following:
1. “porn” to describe things that ARE NOT PORN (e.g. ‘productivity porn’, ‘food porn’)
2. “grow” as a transitive verb — “grow our mindshare” grrrr
3. “wetware” — does anybody say this at Google? If so, get out while you still can.
— David · Apr 7, 01:00 PM · #
Man, I can’t even tell you how many of those we had at my job. “Software On-Demand” was something that came up on every company screen saver, yet NO ONE KNEW WHAT IT WAS. Not to mention the insane amount of acronyms that don’t simplify anything, like WAS or DB2 or WSDM or SOAP. Or the unnecessary distinction words like “middle ware”. Ugg.
Oh, and screw you, “synergy”.
— Jono · Apr 7, 04:43 PM · #