10 October 2007 · Comment
New favorite hobby: finding out how many hours I can sleep in a row!
Current record: 14 and a half. From 7:30 last night to 10 this morning. Glorious. The key to not getting creeped out by living alone is going to bed before dark, like the Amish! Hey, random English fact! Know what they say instead of “the internet”? T’internet. Yeah I know, crazy, right?
After my 14 and a half hours of sleep I went running and then took a freezing cold shower and then played the flute for a little bit (I suck even worse than I though I would after ummm… four years of not playing it? The piccolo doesn’t count, it’s different.) and then I met with my language partner and now I’m wasting time on the internet until my next language partner at 8:30! Sometime soon I will work on reading Harry Potter and the freaking Mystery of the Prince. The first language partner was the one who taught me about crying like a muffin so I tried to get her to teach me more adorable sayings but it turns out those sorts of things are hard to just think of on the spot so we’re both going to try to come up with some before we get together again on Friday. Also I got a book of Spanish exercises for English speakers and I’m going to try doing them like homework. Lalalala.
Okay, boring! Pictures tomorrow! Also I am going to actually do something with my day tomorrow like going to the big art museum that my family and I didn’t go to because we were too tired from walking all around Montjuïc. But there are some pictures in flickr, go look at them! I command it. Naw just kidding, as someone who slept for almost two thirds of the last 24 hours, I am clearly in no position to do any commanding. Okay, I’m gonna go call Duncan and then meet with my next language partner: Jesús Fernandez Fernandez! Yes, his name is completely awesome. No, you can’t have it, it’s already taken. Okay, later!
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